Practice Areas & Industries

Medical Field Professionals Deserve Thorough Representation In Negligence Cases
One of the biggest threats to the health of a hospital, private practice or other health care provider is a malpractice suit. Medical malpractice defense is a core component of the professional liability defense practice at Lashly & Baer, P.C. We successfully represent hospitals, nursing homes, physicians, dentists and nurses in a wide variety of health care malpractice actions. And we’ve been doing it for over 30 years.
As a result of our experience, we are sensitive to the unique stresses and concerns that a malpractice claim imposes on the health care provider. We recognize that effective communication is key to a successful outcome. While we conduct aggressive discovery, we do not engage in filing needless motions that result in costly delays.
We regularly handle the following legal issues for our clients:
- Abuse and neglect
- Anesthesia injuries
- Birth trauma
- Congenital and drug-induced injuries
- Emergency medicine
- Errors or omissions in treatment
- Failure to diagnose
- Failure of timely medical intervention
- Failure to properly manage or treat conditions
- Laparoscopic injuries
- Medication and nursing errors
- Obstetrical, orthopedic, pediatric and radiology cases
- Paralysis
- Patient/resident falls
- Pressure ulcers
- Provider-acquired infections
- Staffing issues
- Surgical injuries
- Use of restraints
- Wound care
To discuss these matters, call us at 314-621-2939 or use the contact form.
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Lashly & Baer, P.C.
20 East Main Street
Belleville, IL 62220
Map & Directions
By Appointment Only
Call: 618-233-5587
Fax: 314-621-6844